
  1. ''RUSSA'' 2+D+D+2(Little Joe)

    ''RUSSA'' 2+D+D+2(Little Joe)

    ''RUSSA'' 2+D+D+2(Little Joe) Fepasa Rail Road + ''V8'' 2-C+C-2(EP-4) Companhia Paulista -RailRoad
  2. DSC00225_Large_


    ''RUSSA'' 2+D+D+2(Little Joe) Fepasa Rail Road + ''V8'' 2-C+C-2(EP-4) Companhia Paulista -RailRoad + DD40 UP
  3. ''RUSSA'' 2+D+D+2

    ''RUSSA'' 2+D+D+2

    ''RUSSA'' 2+D+D+2(Little Joe) Fepasa Rail Road
  4. ''RUSSA'' 2+D+D+2

    ''RUSSA'' 2+D+D+2

    ''RUSSA'' 2+D+D+2(Little Joe) Fepasa Rail Road + ''V8'' 2-C+C-2(EP-4) Companhia Paulista -RailRoad
  5. ''RUSSA'' 2+D+D+2

    ''RUSSA'' 2+D+D+2

    ''RUSSA'' 2+D+D+2(Little Joe) Fepasa RailRoad +DD40 UP
  6. Trolley in Little Ballard

    Trolley in Little Ballard

    The railroad's general manager located this former City of Tacoma trolley being used as a shelter for some homeless people. To protect it for future preservation, he moved it to its present location next to the locomotive pen where a fence will be constructed around it soon.
