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  1. C

    Details West

    Has anyone ever used Detail West's Dash-9 detail kit? I want to super detail and repaint a Kato dash 9 into #9250 in the OLS Paint Scheme, but I dont know how the detail kit looks and how difficult it is to install.
  2. C

    Signal System Help

    What is the best way to go about doing signals on my DCC layout?
  3. C


    I recently bought an MTH HO Triplex!!!! It is amazing! got it at a small train show a week ago for $200! and it runs great besides 1 broken part. The front pilot is broken, but MTH can replace it they said for $20
  4. C

    Track plans??

    any one have any god track plan ideas for a portable 4x8?
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    Where to sell my brass Amtrak Diesel?

    I have an Overland brass P32 (AC-DM) and I dont know where to sell it! I need to get money for it soon (about $780) because my dad lost his job with Hostess and he is trying to start a business now..... only thing is he had to buy a van and my family has little money, so I want to sell it to...
  6. C

    My Overland P32 (AC-DM)

    My overland brass P32 with DCC and Tsunami sound installed!!! tell me what you think! I also may sell this unit so if you have a serious offer, let me know! thanks for watching!
