Search results

  1. statelake174

    HO scale airliners...a pipe dream...

    Collect airliners, but more of a 1:400 collector. Sorry. Through Skymarks does have some nice releases close to 1:87, easy to build too.... If you like discussing model planes, here's the best place to do it; (if ya want to look for me, just look for a...
  2. statelake174

    HO rapid transit tracks n stations

    Apperently, there is a third rail on the model Loop, but there is no third rail in the model subway.:confused:
  3. statelake174

    HO rapid transit tracks n stations

    Here's a model of the "L";
  4. statelake174

    HO rapid transit tracks n stations

    Here's the list of cars that probaly ran the Loop and subways below it around then(cars in bold I'l probaly use, I might even complete a collection the cars, through my starters are Budd 2200s); Cincinnati Car 4000(historic charters only) St. Louis Car 6000/I-50 Pullman-Standard 2000 Budd...
  5. statelake174

    HO rapid transit tracks n stations

    The time I'm modeling is 1993 when the Midway Line was built.
  6. statelake174

    HO rapid transit tracks n stations

    It has to fit these trains(I do think it might work); I think I'l need to change the wheelbase a bit.
  7. statelake174

    HO rapid transit tracks n stations

    Is there anyone that sells them? I'm looking forward to modeling the Union Loop in Chicago.
