Recent content by threedollarbird

  1. T

    "Best" looking Locomotive, Diesel...

    All time favorite has to be any EMD F-Unit. But of the locos that are still in common service, I'm lovin' the high-nose GP7/9/18's, especially with the db blister. And I have to say this (This'll probably irk some of you!), I really think the FA's/PA's are hideous! I just find them so awkward...
  2. T

    CP F-units

    That's great, thanks!
  3. T

    CP F-units

    Hi, can anyone tell me what all this junk on top of this FP7 is that seems to be specific to CP Rail F-units? I think the box is a winterization hatch, but I have no clue what all the other stuff is! I've got two N-scale LifeLike F's, and I'd like to detail them as best I can (I know the...
