Windsor Model Railroad Club starts Phase 2


Lets go to Art style
Well after many years of running as a Modular Club, and having problems with our modules with age, we finally started our next phase of our club. For the past year we have been talking about starting a more permanent layout or semi-permanent one to attach to our modular layout, but lately we have had many issues with our old Modular Layout. So at the Beginning of this past year, a few of the members, brought to the entire membership, that we should more forward and start something more permanent. Tonight we started with our bench work. Our last 2 weeks was setting back up part of our old Club layout to have people still be able to run, while things were going on, and go over some details. We are all looking forward to this new layout and having more fun with it. Here is some pictures to see of our first night of building the bench work, with more pictures to come as things progress.



