St Louis for 2022? NMRA Convention & National Train Show


New Member
Hi all,

I don't hang out here much as the past decade has put model railroading on the back burner. But the flame still glows! Anyway, during my 40+ years in the hobby, I've never been to the NMRA Convention, nor the National Train Show. But with the show being in my backyard this year, my opportunity has finally come! (And I know I'm not alone). Just looking forward to the show has reignited one of my front burners, and the excitement of getting back into the hobby has been ramping up since January.

Of course, that was all before COVID-19.

Upon seeing the announcement of the Convention/Show's cancellation, I - along with perhaps thousands of other modelers - immediately wondered about the next opportunity for St Louis to host it. Of course, 2021 is already locked-in (for Santa Clara, CA). But I don't see any years after that being locked-in.

So, does anyone have any knowledge of 2022's NMRA Convention/National Train show? If it's still a open possibility, then here's to hoping that St Louis can grab that slot. Of course, venue availability is a significant factor in any such discussion. But St Louis has a few options besides the America's Center, if that happens to already be booked.

Anyway, I'm not crying in my bowl of cornflakes over the cancellation... and I hope my opening paragrapgh didn't come across as if I was. The Coronavirus has upended billions of lives - many in far more tragic ways than a train show cancellation! Which is why I gave it some time before posting the question of when the show might return to St Louis. (Actually, I'm a bit surprised that no one has already posted about the cancellation, that I could find).
I saw that (about the UK), but assumed that was a seperate show for Europe. My assumption is based on the notion that there's [also] always a US convention/show every year. Isn't there?
