Single Rail Monorail


Long Winded Old Fart
I've been thinking about building a single rail monorail powered by and old engine(have about 10). What I need is some real short passenger cars that I can kitbash or something else on the same configuration. Any idea's?
I've been pondering this monorail system for a long time for my layout. I can use some WM plastics that I've acquired to build the pillars & rail base.
I've been looking at a lot of monorails on the internet(photo's) & I might use some of their idea's. I know you can buy an H.O. set, but, making your own is more fun & what the heck I might come up w/the right one for a prototype.

Um, isn't a Monorail always a single rail, hence the "mono"?

I'd got a few ideas for ya. Use a metal strip to either top corner of the "rail" for power, with inverted train wheels (flange outward) to hold the train on the rails. At the weights to the over hanging skirting, and the center of balance will stay very low, preventing tipping off the rail.
