Good Morning All. Mostly cloudy and 43°. The rain in the forecast for tonight is currently being preceded by widely scattered showers including here. It's just lightly sprinkling right now, I'd be lucky if a drop hits the rain gauge! Nothing else really changed in the forecast.
December 7 does indeed mark the day of remembrance for Pearl Harbor, obviously I wasn't around then, but I remember my grandparents still reminiscing about what they were doing that day. My parents were both 12 years old and it didn't mean much to them at the time. Dad remembered that the students in his grade school learned air raid drills the next day which was a Monday.
Today is also the day of the year in North America that the earliest sunset of the year occurs, 5:22 pm here. It starts getting later tomorrow. Sunrise is getting later at a greater rate, thus the days are still getting shorter. This is significant to me since I tend to be an outdoor person, and these early sunsets have been depressing.
Yesterday, I renewed my log-cutting routine; seems like it's been at least a week. I started in an area in the "back 40" that I hadn't been to yet. Today though, I will return to one of the still eyesore spots out front. It's on lower ground and it was still slightly muddy there. Hopefully today it will remain dry for long enough to allow some work.
Out in the train shed, I continued assembly of the replacement cardstock structure. First wall joins.
I have learned over the years to add a cardboard floor to keep the side walls from bowing either in or out.
I also started the folding process on the front entry.
There's some other minor things that I didn't photograph.
Joe - RMD rules were pretty relaxed until that tax reduction bill in 2017 tightened things up a bit. The 10 year rule is causing me to take money that I don't want or need yet.
Troy - Still printing the Titanic???
Everyone have a safe and warm Saturday.