Need Athearn HO band drive Hustler switcher parts, armature end caps


New Member
I accidently dremelled off my motor end caps that are plastic and press on each end for the rubber band to run around. I need both of them. They were so dirty that I just assumed they were metal like the other band drive shafts and wrecked them trying to clean. Can't find any with a search. Would anybody have a couple of these? Here's a few pics of what I need. It's a shame I didn't see they were plastic. It's really a nice old Athearn. In the pictures, you see my attempts at repairing each of them. That's why they look different than original.


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I will have to take a look and actually I think not too long ago I posted a picture of mine and the cap and the larger black piece are not on mine. Mine I believe are just straight metal shafts. Your set up would actually increase speed
They are all the same.


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Ernst makes/made a gear kit for the hustler, now would be the time to see if you can find one.
The Lionel version of the HO hustler was gearing up for driven. I think what this one is something that someone did themselves but I can only see that the added diameter on the drive shaft would make it go faster. Maybe that’s what they were trying to do. Turn it into a dragster lol. I know that as built from the factory that at full speed they would not stay on the track.
This one is gear drive now. It's also DCC with can motor. I didn't have any rubber bands but did have an extra SD40 truck (and a mill, and a lathe...)

It originally didn't have anything on the motor shafts, it looked like A.C.'s photos so I'm not sure what part you are looking for.

