How to install Seuthe # 99 in Blueline Up Big boy? Can someone help me?


New Member
Hi all,

I am a HO scale train modeler. I have purchsed BLI UP big boy & also have 2 nos Seuthe # 99 smoke units. Can someone tell me the procedure of instaling it in Big Boy?

As from some information , it needs just connect two wires of smoke unit to acess rail current. But my queries starts there itself :

1) How to dismental the body of Big boy to do this work ?

2) My DC transformer delivers 1.5->12V DC supply @ 1000mA current rating. If, I have to add any resistor in series to reduce current value?

3) Actually how to connect the smoke units to rail power ?If anyone has some document specifing the steps of doing this ? If yes, I will be the happiest person to request for me.

Thanks for watching... Sorry for double posting...

Thanks for looking, posting second time was a mistake. Sorry, if someone felt bad about it.
I will be happy if I get some answer to it pleasse.
The Seuthe # 99 smoke unit operates at 8 to 14 volts so your DC powerpack track voltage should be fine. I would e-mail BLI and ask for specific instructions and cautions before installing this smoke unit in a Big Boy. Those smoke units get really hot and just sticking one in the smoke stack can damage the engine. BLI has used this same smoke units in other engines that were specially made to take it so I'm sure they are familiar with it and know if it can be safely installed in your Big Boy.
Thanks Jim.

Thanks Jim. I will be very happy if you can get that information.

I heard from lot of modeler that smoke oil destroy ther scenery around & even coats on the tracks, Is it true ? If it is true for Seuthe oil , as I heard its a best smoke fluid & does not have these problems !!!!

Sanjeev, I have a Bachmann 4-8-4 with a similar smoke unit. All smoke units use a similar mineral oil concoction for their smoke. There are several problems with these units. The first is that you need to get the engine going quite fast to really see much smoke. The Seuthe 99 needs 8 volts before it starts to heat up the oil and that means the Big Boy is going to have to hustle around the tracks for a bit before you start seeing any smoke. The smoke itself is totally unrealistic in that it just sort of drifts out of the stack and has no relationship to how fast or slow the engine is going. There's nothing special about the Seuthe smoke fluid. It's not going to destroy your scenery but using it on a regular basis will leave a fine film behind on the tracks. This film not only isn't electrically conductive, it makes the tracks slick and will make it harder to climb grades. On top of that, you've got to stop the train about every 10 minutes to refill the smoke unit. Al in all, it just isn't worth the time and expense to install one of these, especially in an expensive engine like the Big Boy.
Good, thanks got correct answer to my question...

Thanks a lot Jim. I am so glad that so much of experience from you all, I could gather in so much small time. Thanks again for your suggetions, I fell now back of the mind I left the idea of placing the smoke units in my Big Boy.

Sanjeev :)
You're welcome, Sanjeev. Smoke units are one of those things that sound like a good idea but hardly ever work out well. I'm sure some company will eventually develop a smoke unit that operates well and doesn't leave a lot of gunk behind but it hasn't happened yet.
