Forum Rules?


Well-Known Member
I would like to read this forum's rules. I can't seem to find them. Can someone provide a link, please? Thanks.
......and all this time I thought, as Ted Nugent so aptly sang, "it's a free for all".......just be polite. 😁
Yeah!! This is the BEST model railroad site on the interwebs.
Easiest way to stay out of trouble is to be just polite and respectable.
The only religious thing I say is offering prayers for folks.
Doesn't seem to be a problem.
Outside of that, just being sincere and friendly goes a long way.
Of all forums and various social media I've experienced, these model railroad forums are noticeably more polite, friendly and encouraging by far. That might be a good thing, or it could be we're just a bunch of old farts who grew up in an era where we were taught respect and manners, or were hit in the head with a well-aimed shoe. 🤓
If you want to experience the exact opposite of our "polite" decorum here, then take a look over at "general discussion".

If you don't have thick skin, then don't participate over there.;)
