DIY Weathering Chemicals


This may be of interest for anyone wanting to make their own weathering solution.

In the photo below I brushed on three 'graying' solutions and one wood stain. The stain on the right of the wood is applied twice.

1 - AI wash - the 'normal' Alcohol India Ink wash

2 - Ferrous Sulfate (FeSO4). This is a dietary supplement found in your drugstore. I crushed up about a tablespoon of 'Iron Pills' (look at the label for Ferrous Sulfate) in about a half-pint of water. Put it in the microwave and heated it up then filtered through a coffee filter.

3 - Iron Buff. This is a half-pint of White Vinegar with half a steel wool pad (open container to allow hydrogen gas to escape). Left for two days. Could prob do one day for a lighter stain.

4 - This is FolkArt Oak Stain mixed 50/50 with water .. applied and wiped off after about 15 secs.

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Since I take an Iron supplement, I have to say #2 doesn't seem very cost effective. Watered down gray craft paint would be a cheaper alternative.

I've read you can make your own Micro-Mark style rust with a nail left in ... now what was that again?
Depends. That box of Iron Pills cost a little less than $8. I used about 1/4 of it in that 1/2 pint of water .. which .. is too dark. I'm going to cut that by 50% with water so I figure I was get about a pint for $2.00
Useful experiment. In a different direction, is there a difference in plastics used in the manufacture of rolling stock that will yeild different results with the same process?
