Made this gondola load, decided to go with Tom's idea and make it removable. Took care in not letting glue touch the walls or floor, began by placing down a layer of cereal box then using some construction adhesive laying around from some other project.
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I used Loctite construction adhesive, Elmers, and Gorilla in that order to glue the wood load to itself. The elmers was the trickiest because it wanted to run and make a mess while applying, however it went between the cracks the best
In this photo shown is the construction adhesive. I spread it out a little with the toothpick
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The pulpwood is from dry jack pine twigs that I cut off trees in our yard.
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After it is dry I will try to remove it (as per design) and maybe spray some dull coat over it.
Also working on these other two projects, namely painting the people and prepping the new truck pictured in the previous post:
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THANKS for looking! Dave LASM