BOC Gas Transload


I posted this information originally on another forum, but that place is a ghost town, and this one isn't.

This is a simple transload area. The placards on the cars indicate a carbon dioxide refridgerated liquid, I don't know which one. It could even be just plain Carbon Dioxide, for the soft drink industry. There was room on the siding for maybe a dozen compressed gas tankers, with a large gravel lot on one side. The far side was inaccessible by vehicles.

The main attraction is this transloading truck. As you can see, it is a heavy duty Ford F-Series truck. There is a stairway leading up to the level of the tank car platform. There are hoses which connect to the tanker, and then to the tractor trailer which will receive the liquid. There is a purge/pumpout unit on the passenger side of the truck, for extracting as much product as possible from the tank car.

The large vertical pipe, I presume, is a vent chamber.

I never saw a tractor trailer here, as I wasn't supposed to be where I was, and only went during off hours.

Without an office or anything else, this could easily fit in a small corner of your layout.



