
  1. N

    Sears Roebuck #9757 Locomotive Repair

    Hello, I have a Sears Roebuck #9757 Locomotive that I was cleaning and a small spring popped out that I am unsure from where. :/ Have been trying with no luck to find a schematic. It came out from the front transformer section and I think it connects to one of the poles in Green or Yellow...
  2. GuilfordRailman

    Brand New DCC/Sound Loco Not Responding

    I bought a Walthers Mainline GP9 a month ago. Used it once, worked great! I put it away in its box and packed up the layout to move to my new house. Plugged it in today to use for the first time at the new location and nothing! No lights, sounds, or anything coming from it. I have tried...
  3. T

    New to forum & looking for a little help

    Hi everyone, I am new to the forum and I posted in the area to introduce myself. I am fairly new to the train world as far as wanting to start my own layout & collection. I currently have a small online business selling trains, all types & scales. I have been in this business about 6-7 years...
  4. HO Scale MILW

    Ho scale 22" Radius

    So for my next layout I am going to have 22" Radius curves, because that is the widest I can do, but I also like large 6-Axel diesel locomotives. I know for most locomotives the min radius is 18" but recommended is 22", but I was just wondering if 22" could be damaging at all to larger...
  5. Modeltrains2021

    Round house climax truck

    Hi i recently acquired a round house climax and was wondering what online stores has a replacment truck tia.
  6. GuilfordRailman

    Pre-order for N scale Atlas GP40-2W

    I’ve been searching for an Atlas GP40-2W for Guilford Rail and noticed that they are listed as pre-order for “sometime” second quarter 2022 on micromark.com Does anybody know of a more specific release date for these...
  7. Modeltrains2021

    when was this vintage ho scale varney made?

  8. T

    New here, looking for advice getting my Tyco HO train working again

    Hi, Everyone! Great site, just found it! I just pulled out my Tyco Silver Streak train from back in 1980 (I think). I am writing today to get some support. My back up locomotive is not running, but it is very close. I just need some help. it is a Milwaukee Road (see pictures). When I put...
  9. S

    Loco(s) for Walthers 10-car Olympian Hiawatha

    The question has come up before, but the search showed that it was in 2014, and I figured I'd better not try and resuscitate a dead thread. In November 2014, I found a full 10-car set of the Olympian Hiawatha on Ebay, in the orange/maroon colour scheme, mostly because I was infatuated with...
  10. J

    Diesel Drive Axle Gears

    The symptom - a Diesel Locomotive hesitates, stops, then jerks ahead, momentarily shorts, or in extreme cases will not move at all. On Athearn, Atlas, BLI perhaps all HO diesel locos I find they use a split Drive Axle with a gear in the middle to hold the two axle halves in gauge and transmit...
  11. DoctorZ

    St. James Roundhouse: Model Railroad Club Layouts

    We headed down to St. James, Minnesota where they have a model railroad museum with three different scale layouts under construction: G, O, and HO. Here's some video of those layouts: The O-Scale layout: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BoYNOfL-8cg and here's the HO layout...
  12. J

    Hello from the Memphis Area!

    My name is John Miller, and I'm from Olive Branch, Mississippi. It is a suburb of Memphis, just across the Tennessee/Mississippi state line. I have various model trains of different guages: N, HO, O and G. Because space is limited, and I want to make the most of it, I want to make a nice little...
  13. S

    Dream steam train build!

    Hi to everyone, after introduction in newbie section on this forum I'll proceed to details of my train project. At this stage it is nearly finished, just few touches on details and finishing has to be done to complete. Basically I started to work with wood just over 1 year ago with passion in...
  14. DoctorZ

    Train Ride with O-Scale BIG BOY #4012 Locomotive in the Lead!

    Brand new video I just uploaded today from the Twin Cities Model Railroad Museum O-Scale layout: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uSyo8MeRWoE Enjoy!
  15. R

    Need help to identify live steam locomotive

    I was given this as a child in 1976. I took it to an experienced model railroader in 1984 and he got it running. He had to make a couple of pieces of track as he said it was an unknown gage. It has the number 240 stamped on it and it is stamped - country of origin japan. It has been on a shelve...
  16. B

    Cheap Steam Loco Needs Some Help

    Okay, so I bought a $55 dollar locomotive at the Great Train Expo this past weekend knowing that it would need some help. After getting home, clearing a track and putting some power to it, nothing happened. I broke it down to bare pieces and cleaned everything up. It is definitely a little...
  17. N

    I would like to know more about this gold Monon train. Please help!

    I am now in the ownership of this set of three Monon trains that I know nothing about. They have passed hands a few times and although most of the trains I've researched generally bring in results I cannot find anything about this set which only intrigues me more. They fit on an N scale track...
  18. AyalaBotto

    English Electric Diesel Locomotive Class 1400 CP (Portuguese Railways)

    Hi, This is one of my recent projects: the English Electric Diesel Locomotive Class 1400 of CP (Portuguese Railways) in the standart orange/brown colour scheme, built for a customer. Portugal ordered a total of 50 Diesel Class 1400 locomotives from English Electric. The first bath of 10...
  19. E

    Interesting Model Railroad Infographic

    Check out this infographic we created about model trains. Trains are the oldest form of mechanical transport and often carry a sense of nostalgia for those riding in them or watching them. First created as a way to promote locomotive transportation to those who had not seen trains before...
  20. D

    Rail King 6-8-6 S-2

    Hello to all, I'm a newbie looking for my first Loco and my head is spinning with all the options. I really like the 6-8-6 and after looking for about the past month I found one that was just posted on eBay...after a few emails back and forth I was able to get the seller to tell me his...
