
  1. H

    Athearn Boxcar Kits

    I've gotten a few of these kits lately, and I have been looking to assemble them. The problem I am running into is that I can't get the doors onto the bottom rail. The top rail is removable, so it isn't a problem there, but the lower rail has a sort of hook to it, and I'm apprehensive about...
  2. Layout Progress

    Layout Progress

    New Great Northern boxcar and weathering work done on my gondola.
  3. scratch built 30' Hon3 boxcar

    scratch built 30' Hon3 boxcar

    kadee trucks and couplers, grandt line nut and bolt castings, everything else from scratch
  4. SPL 30' ventilated boxcar

    SPL 30' ventilated boxcar

  5. ventilated boxcar

    ventilated boxcar

    scratch built 30' boxcar
  6. Old Athearn

    Old Athearn

    One of my favorite pieces of equipment is this old one, an early Athearn boxcar that, despite its age, still manages to carry on.
  7. Hobo along for the ride

    Hobo along for the ride

    Hobo along for the ride in a shiny, newly painted CN boxcar.
  8. Seneca Lake, Ontario, and western Boxcar #172

    Seneca Lake, Ontario, and western Boxcar #172

    S.L.O.&W. Boxcar #172 sits waiting to receive a load of Field Tiles from Thompson Tiles. It'll get done just as soon as Junior and the crew get done with morning coffee.
  9. Progress Shot-CSX/CR/NYC 86\' Auto Parts Boxcar(Crappy Photo)

    Progress Shot-CSX/CR/NYC 86\' Auto Parts Boxcar(Crappy Photo)

    This is a Walthers 86\' Hi-Cube CSX/CR/NYC Auto Parts Boxcar. I have not completed the weathering. It came factory-patched "NYC". I do not plan on selling it.
  10. Boxcars waiting to be unloaded..

    Boxcars waiting to be unloaded..

    The indrustry in the background serve's boxcars, as well as huge loads on flatcars!
  11. CSXT 503278 (EX-RBOX) rusty box car

    CSXT 503278 (EX-RBOX) rusty box car

    O.K., one last one! Hehe. After this car, I'll lay off for awhile and wait for others to post. This is my newest car...a secondhand FMC RAIL BOX box car aquired by CSX TRANSPORTATION. The patch and worn-out graffiti are inspired by the real car. This was a FUN project. CSX has some crazy cars!


    Unlike the BN "paint peeler" hopper, this box car is based on a real car where the new paint was washing away. Underneath this CONRAIL box car, was the original PENN CENTRAL paint. This first attempt for me (MrKLUKE car#119) had mixed results. I had an Athearn ACF Railbox painted for...
  13. C&O boxcar

    C&O boxcar

    a weathered Chessie System C&O Combination Door boxcar
