Search results

  1. D

    Insulated Frog or elecro frog for DCC

    Purchasing Peco turnouts for my Steam locomotive era layout . Does it make any difference wiring wise for purchasing Electro Frogs. I am using insulated frogs but need a 3 way turnout and my the local store has only the Electro (power routed) frog . This turnout is for a Stub end yard and...
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    Advise on removing HO steam loco drive wheel

    Well it is 20 odd years old and I did not lub it first before getting it out of the box after many years for a test run . I am happy Broad way Limited is taking the wheel set to pull, replace gear, and re-quarter
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    Advise on removing HO steam loco drive wheel

    I need to remove a drive wheel from a Broadway limited PRR M1b 4-8-2 to send back to replace the nylon gear on the axel. What is the safest way to remove from the attached rods? (needle nose pliers?) Is the screw normal thread (turn: Righty tighty, Lefty Loosey) , or reverse threaded?) There...
  4. D

    Appropriate DCC Block size

    Thank you for your reply Yes the Tech 6 can switch between being DC and DCC I has the booster and a wired walk around control My locomotive is stable is about 50 /50 DC and DCC (6 each?)and I am converting them gradually over. All my favorite locos are DCC and working on converting the...
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    Appropriate DCC Block size

    I am starting to lay track on my first DCC mid-sized layout. I am using the MRC Tech 6.0 6 AMP out put Sound Control. (Will probably upgrade eventually as it can only program 6 trains. ) My first block is a single track Main about 15 feet long with TWO 8 ft parallel Staging tracks . At any...
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    Plastic shims under turnout throws for smoother motion??

    I am going to use Peco turnouts on foam roadbed. I plan to hand throw all switches. I read that it is helpful to place a thin plastic sheet under the throw bars to add in ease of movement. I was going to drill a 1/2 inch hole under the turnout track center throw before laying down in case...
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    Florescent bulb type

    I am stringing 2 Bulb florescent lighting down the length of my shelf layout . I purchased GE T12 Daylight High color rendering (very cool bluish white light) 40 W 2,050 Lumens. Is there a better color rendering or perhaps as in the picture, a second row with a different type to mix hues...
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    What brand of DAP to use for laying foam/ cork roadbed and track ?

    I can not find any grey acrylic caulk. I used the white but ugly on the black foam and could show up near switch points or areas after adding gravel. They have Clear but that is shiny .. which do you use flat white or glossy clear ( paint before adding ballast?
  9. D

    Woodland Scenics Foam Track-bed or Cork track bed

    Thank you! will look into!
  10. D

    Woodland Scenics Foam Track-bed or Cork track bed

    Building a plywood "cookie cutter " layout with risers for elevations. I am using latex caulk to to adhere both track and roadbed to the plywood strips . Do you prefer Woodland Scenics Foam Track-bed or Cork? I am thinking cork better as I would be better able to smooth transitions...
  11. D

    Does MDC tech 6 sound controller 6.0 give full sound options ?

    Does any one know if the MRC Tech 6 Sound Controller 6.0 give the full availability of sounds for BLI? I have purchased several BLI Paragon 2 steam locos and will be getting a Paragon 3. I bought the MDC 6 because it allows both my old DC to work and use my new BLI sound locos. Good...
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    Decoder Installer pro-shops

    Are there any stores or individuals that install decoders on older equipment? I have some older steam I would like to add decoders (and sound if possible) . One challenge is a 0-6-0 Mantua Goat Camelback witch is may favorite shifter for yard work. thank you
  13. D

    space to Support for scenery

    Sorry the open grid is the bench work . with risers to attach to the plywood sub road bed then I was going to use foam and paper or cardboard strips to support the scenery . then layer the plaster towel over the edges of the plywood and cover the wadded paper towels and foam scenery base
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    space to Support for scenery

    Would a half inch be ok in some places where I might have cut to close? thanks
  15. D

    space to Support for scenery

    I have an open grid self construction for a logging layout in HO Scale. I am doing cookie cutter plywood sub roadbed under the usual Atlas cork roadbed strips. My question is how far out from the cork should I cut the plywood to be able to attach scenery. I will be using plaster soaked...
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    center track spacing for hidden staging tracks

    Sorry HO Scale Thank you -David Miller
  17. D

    center track spacing for hidden staging tracks

    I am building a STRAIGHT (10ft long) hidden Staging track under main shelf layout... What would be a good center track spacing amount for the 4 tracks? 1" 1/2 ? or do I need 2" (no curves) I want to keep them as close to the front of the layout for any derailments as the main layout will...
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    To Cleat or Not to Cleat

  19. D

    To Cleat or Not to Cleat

    Also the road bed is 4" wide single track - where double track or wider a cleat would be more practical , but still glue the cleat to the plywood road bed. Yes?
  20. D

    To Cleat or Not to Cleat

    I am building a mid size multi level self HO railroad and using 1/2 plywood for my roadbed. The risers are 1 x 3 " and will be screwed into the cross members of my base. The cross members are spaced about 15" apart Can I wood glue the top of riser to the bottom of the roadbed as a butt joint...
