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  1. natfoot

    Ideas for First Free-mo palouse module

    The Standards seam to be pretty straight forward. I think I am asking for scenery input and the size of the module from people that have done this before.
  2. natfoot

    Ideas for First Free-mo palouse module

    Well I have been a member of the Swamp Creek & Western Railroad Association for some time now. but I have been wanting a place to both photograph my trains outside and be some what functional. This is my first time to plan and try to build a module. I am planning on building a single...
  3. natfoot

    the club I just joined...and my newest loco...

    some one with similar taste for Railroads :D Great shots Rich I just Joined the Swamp Creek & Western Railroad Association here in Edmonds, WA. Our web site is
  4. natfoot

    Weekend Photo Fun May 18-20 2007

    Great Grove den I will also have to try this on some test track.
  5. natfoot

    Do you use DCC?

    The layout that I am running on has been around sens the 1970's and still has not switched to DCC. we are still running DC but are working towards a DCC system. wiring has started but no system has been selected. Many members are reluctant to having to rewire there engines So for now its in...
  6. natfoot

    LEDs, LEDs, LEDs, every where

    thanks for the free info on some LEDs free is always good.
  7. natfoot

    LEDs, LEDs, LEDs, every where

    well my first thought is that I would not have the "layout lights" on well the inside lighting is on. The layout is modeled in the 1950's so lighting was prototypically dim. now with LEDs you can file the lens off and get a bit more of an omni directional look. I have also been looking at other...
  8. natfoot

    LEDs, LEDs, LEDs, every where

    Catchy title, Ok so I am starting on a major lighting project for the layout. I am going to be trying to use as many LEDs as Possible. I will be working on creating some night lighting as well as structural lighting. I noticed in the post “Loco Lighting Concerns" that there is a link to a 3mm...
  9. natfoot

    How cluttered does your layout get ? ? ?

    I belong to a Club for just one of these resons
  10. natfoot

    What Railroad, era, and location???

    I don't have my own layout but would like to model a short diarama set in the palouse hills of easter washington in the mid 70's but that does not say much for little has changed from the mid 50's to present. I am also part of a club that models there own railroad the Port Columbia &...
  11. natfoot

    How to Make Trees and Shrubs

    Grove den, thanks so much for posting this great thread. I am going to have to go get some supplies so that I can make some trees.
  12. natfoot

    Railroad industries Prototype photo fun

    local industrys as viewed from local industrys as viewed from this is a glass plant where they make bottels and recycle glass. the lead is to the north leading south into the plant...
