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  1. U

    Big Boy Turntable,roundhouse

    UP Turntable blueprints Join the yahoo group up_modelers Then under FILES in a folder called LARAMIE WYO UPRR COALMONT BRANCH there are 4 or 5 drawings of the blueprints for the 135' turntables that were installed at Laramie, Green River and...
  2. U

    Weekend Photo Fun 4/21-4/23

    Took a few pics tonight locomotive 844 and 3673
  3. U

    Weekend Photo Fun 3/24-3/26

    Here are a few pics of my progress
  4. U

    Weekend Photo Fun 3-18/3-19

    Started a tunnel and mountain Here are two photos
  5. U

    layout penisula addition

    19'-6" x 20'-0" overall room dimensions both aisles would be at least 3'0" I am excited about scratch building the roundhouse I am thinking on the new penisula I would do a pass thru Evanston look just show a couple of passing sidings not sure if I would do the roundhouse and turntable there...
  6. U

    layout penisula addition

    Well I posted my layout a while earlier and someone commented on the big open space in the middle of the room. Well originally the kids would play in the center but not much of that has been going on. Well tonight I decided to draw a possible addition, this version shows Evanston which is on the...
  7. U

    Whaaaaaahhh! I just want to run trains!

    Well hate to be the salt in the wound but I got out all of my rolling stock ( don't have much) and ran a 35 car train yesterday with my new Proto 2000 2-8-8-2. I finshed my mainline a couple of weeks ago, started laying out my steam facilities. It will be exciting to finally get to the...
  8. U

    athearn challengers

    Anyone here have the new athearn challengers? Got a little side work and I would make enough to get two. I kind of got a deal with the wife I call it my noah's ark program " two of each wheel configuration" although I will want more eventually. So how do they run, good pullers, my track plan...
  9. U

    Mainline completed!!!

    Modeling Union Pacific Green River Wyoming 40's-50's Northerns, challengers, bigboys, turbines I plan to scratch build the roundhouse, backshop I already kitbashed a 650 ton coaling tower to represent the one that was there. I plan on doing a lot of the buildings in the city and the station...
  10. U

    Mainline completed!!!

    Here are some pics as for structures they are still in the completion stage. I have the gravel co. finished I am working on the mine facility. Here are some backdrops I painted the plywood tan and laid the cork still have quite a bit to do.
  11. U

    Track laying process

    Yes Green River Wyoming
  12. U

    Track laying process

    The drawing is an AutoCAD DWG converted to JPG format. I am a residential designer by trade I have been recreating the structures that were in Green River so I can build them for my layout. Overall dimensions of the room is 20'-0" x 19'-6" its the two car garage attached to my house. This past...
  13. U

    Mainline completed!!!

    Well I have the Streamliner edition that focuses on operations in Green River and they have a spread shwoing all of the yards and basically due to size limitations there are no yard leads
  14. U

    Mainline completed!!!

    Here is my layout Green River WY. 1940's-50's I completed the double track mainline tonight. Ran a couple of trains have a couple of minor trouble spots but nothing really bad. Need to go back and clean up a bit little filing here and there.
  15. U

    Track laying process

    here is the track plan
  16. U

    Track laying process

    Well got quite a bit of track laid just about 6 more feet of double track mainline to go. I need to go back and do touch up filing of turnouts and cleaning of joints. Here are three pics of what is down so far. I am using Atlas code 83 flex track with Micro engineering and Shinohara turnouts. I...
  17. U

    Checkin in and sayin hi

    Greetings Been gone a while here was on the MR message board but its really gotten repetative. As for myself I have started a new layout around the walls of my transformed garage. I insulated the attic and installed a window unit. Painted my backdrops and have recently been laying track. I...
  18. U

    Help, my Engine Addiction is out of Control

    Too many engines?? addiction?? My wife asked once why do you need so many engines so I rattled off how many of every wheel config UP had. 105 challengers 25 bigboys 44 northerns and on and on she said there is no way you need all of those engines so we came to a compromise 2 of every wheel...
