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  1. wvg_ca

    PSA: Scammer Sending PMs

    odd,, it shows that he joined april 26 th ??
  2. wvg_ca

    Why do these motor "pulse" with flywheels fitted but work fine without

    if this is DC it -might- be a small issue with the controllers pulse output ?? if ts DCC i have no idea, sorry
  3. wvg_ca

    "Electro couplers" for G scale?

    i made some very cheaply [under one dollar] for HO DCC, i would imagine that they are available for your scale
  4. wvg_ca

    $10,978.69 for an N scale locomotive?

    not really, but he only has to sell one !
  5. wvg_ca

    Fully sprung trucks

    fully sprung trucks have springs that are supposed- to move ... but i couldn't find any rolling stock that would actually was heavy enough to compress the springs .. kinda of a nice idea, but a big failure in execution , i threw them in a pile someplace...
  6. wvg_ca

    NOOXID a Special vs INOX

    if you have all the problems listed in wombats post, you are applying was too much no ox, it's not meant to be a cleaner, the rails have to be clean first, whether alcohol, gleaming, or other method... all it is a protectant, thats it , it reduces future oxidation to virtually nil... it HAS to...
  7. wvg_ca

    NOOXID a Special vs INOX

    i run no ox id a special on my layout, and if you applied it liberally, it was put n way too heavy, lol
  8. wvg_ca

    Part of Flex Track Section Dead?

    if it was the rail joiner [ or feeders], then the entire piece of track would be dead, not just a small piece of it ..the problem is [or was] on the very top surface not conducting
  9. wvg_ca

    Part of Flex Track Section Dead?

    very probably just dirty ..
  10. wvg_ca

    Capacitance flywheel.

    12 volt at 5 ma is nowheres sufficient ... you should have diodes rated for 50 volts [or more] and 1 amp or better
  11. wvg_ca

    Capacitance flywheel.

    no i never did make a wiring diagram, just put it together about six to eight years ago .. i do remember that the diodes were 1N4001 as i do have several hundred of them .. it's a shame that your SX controller doesn't have momentum as that way would be a lot easier ...
  12. wvg_ca

    Capacitance flywheel.

    yes, two capacitors back to back [so they work in both directions under DC], with two diodes, and [as a suggestion] two resistors to limit inrush current .... the same result can be achieved by using the 'momentum' slider on your power supply [if you have that] .. i had made one for DC but it...
  13. wvg_ca

    Track Main Bus?

    yes, it would work if the wire count [stacked] was within the connectors limits ..
  14. wvg_ca

    The “Give Tony Grief” Thread

    i ran slopes of 2 /2% on my layout .. it was sixteen feet by fifteen feet in size, and i had elevation changes of up to nine inches in there , there was very little that was flat .. the layout is on the scarm web site, and it's named the squirrel creek railroad ... era is 1890 so there is very...
  15. wvg_ca

    Custom decals.

    there's another way to make your own, it's called an inkjet printer .. cost is maybe ten bucks for five eight by eleven sheets of decal paperer ..drawbacks are two, first it wont do white, and secondly it needs a light coat of clear matte to set the colour inkjet dye into the paper .. i made a...
  16. wvg_ca

    Snap or flex track

    well, on my layout i used both ...mostly snap track to get the wanted curve, [and marked with a pencil] and replaced with flex to get less joints in there .. some places i used small pieces of snap, but not many .. i got almost all of it into a twenty inch curve radius my layout was fifteen feet...
  17. wvg_ca

    Reducing Wheel Dips at Turnout Frogs

    i had frogs that dipped a little, 0.010 and 0.015 shims took care of that .. not on the top, but in where the wheel tread would go ..i made them out of black styrene and glued them in for permanence .. they were atlas custom line turnouts in ho [code 100]
  18. wvg_ca

    Caboose Industry Ground Throws

    i had them on my layout for a good number of years [the sprung HO ones] and i pushed them to the ground regularly, no problems at all, used dr.mikes ca to hold down the delrin
  19. wvg_ca

    Soldering Stations

    the warranty should be gone on this unit by now, i have had it over ten years by now, lol actually i don't think you can buy it 'new' anymore, at atleast from hakko
  20. wvg_ca

    Soldering Stations

    that hakko was less than 50 used on ebay ...came with two dozen tips
